John Garner -Violin, Shakuhachi
The Harkling - Voice
Martin Donkin - Acoustic Guitar
Shunyata Improvisation Group bring our extraordinary acoustic style of music to the iconic Cullercoats Watch House. Playing long form continuously for an hour and a half, we will weave improvisations in and out of the ever present quiet ambient sounds of the environment.
The Watch House which proudly overlooks Cullercoats Bay provides a remarkable setting with the oval shaped room providing a superb acoustic design for us. The Watch House is becoming our venue of choice.
The performance will take place in the centre of the room with the audience encircling the musicians providing a quietly intense listening experience. Music and sound will spontaneously evolve and transform, rising and falling throughout the concert, providing an immersive meditative experience.
There is no alcohol at this event, but we will happily serve tea and coffee before the concert starts.
Pay as you feel.